Updated December 9th, 2024
OSLC Christmas Decorating
Saturday, December 14th, at 9:30 am. All are welcome to participate in the preparation of our church for the celebration of the birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Many hands make light work so please mark your calendars. Questions can be directed to Rhonda S.
Advent/Christmas Worship Schedule
December 11th – 7:00 pm ~~~~~ Mid-Week 2 Advent Service
December 15th – 10:00 am ~~~~~ Divine Worship Service
December 18th – 7:00 pm ~~~~~ Mid-Week 3 Advent Service
December 22nd – 10:00 am ~~~~Divine Worship Service
December 24th – 7:00 pm ~~~~~ Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
December 29th – 10:00 am ~~~~~ Divine Worship Service
There will be no Christmas Day Service. Enjoy the day with your loved ones praising God for blessing us with the best gift ever – His Son Jesus!
Advent Booklet
Christian Education has purchased a devotion booklet titled ‘His Name Shall Be Called’ to share with the congregation. The booklet can be found in the narthex. Please take one per family, read the devotions and pray together as you prepare your hearts for the Advent/Christmas Season.
OSLC Christmas Caroling
OSLC Christmas Caroling at the Westminster-Canterbury Shenandoah Valley Community, 300 Westminster-Canterbury Drive, Winchester, VA 22603: Thursday, December 19th, 2-4PM. OSLC will go to Westminster-Canterbury, home of Evelyn Zatkalik, to Christmas carol. We need many voices of all ages to share the love of Christ with the residents there. Please contact Kim S. via email for more info and/or to RSVP. RSVPs requested by Sunday, December 15th.
Stewardship Information
The Stewardship Committee will be collecting items for the Laurel Center in Winchester. Please see detailed information on pink sheet in the Narthex.
A Musical Invitation
Please prayerfully consider joining the choir which rehearses each Sunday following Fellowship time. Home rehearsal recordings provided for those who struggle to read music. Openings in all sections. Join us today and “Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord!”
Save the Dates – Upcoming Life Events!
More details will be provided as the event nears. Please contact Kim S. via email for more info and/or to participate.
Friday, January 24, 2025, National March for Life, Washington DC: Join President Harrison and other Lutherans to stand boldly together in the public square and confess our beliefs about the sanctity of life.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 2025 Virginia Pro-Life Day, Richmond, VA: This is an opportunity for attendees to meet with their legislators.
Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 2025 Virginia March for Life, Richmond, VA: Join with other Lutherans and witness to the sanctity of life.
CCAP Winchester Needs
CCAP Winchester's current needs are clean new or gently used fall/winter clothing for infant through adult size 5XL. A more complete list will be in next week’s bulletin Your donations may be placed in the CCAP box in the narthex. Your donations may be placed in the CCAP box in the narthex.
The OSLC CCAP POC is Nancy B.
THANK YOU for your generous donations for food boxes for Christmas dinners!
Ladies Bible Study
Our Savior Ladies Bible Study meets on Wednesdays at 11am. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend. We have started our year learning from the Apostle Peter, through his growth and ministry as recorded in the Gospels, Acts, and then his writings, 1-2 Peter. If you have any questions, please call or message Karen H.
If you are making an offering for anything other than general fund, please mark your check memo line or your offering envelope accordingly, so we can give proper credit for your offering.
Miss a Sunday?
You can hear God’s Word delivered by Pastor Cumbee on our website at oursavior-lcms.org/2024-audio-sermons OR listen to Radio Station WINC-AM 1400 Sundays at 8:30 a.m.. (Note: Messages are from the previous week).
KFUO Radio
KFUO Radio, the broadcast voice of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, shares Christ for you anytime, anywhere on KFUO.org via worship services, Bible and theology studies, practical talk programs, and sacred music. Find programs on demand at kfuo.org and
wherever you get your podcasts! Find us on social: @KFUOradio on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
CHRIST FOR YOU this week on KFUO.org: This week on KFUO AM850 & kfuo.org: We will be concluding our study of Numbers on Sharper Iron (weekdays at 8:00 a.m. CT), and discussing chapters 3-5 of John's Gospel on Thy Strong Word (weekdays at 11:00 a.m. CT). Tune in to Concord Matters this Saturday (10:00 a.m. CT) for the first episode in a short series on the Mass. Find your favorite programs on demand at kfuo.org or in the KFUO Radio app!
Please join us following the service for coffee fellowship. If you would like to host a Sunday, please sign up in the Fellowship Hall.
If you are absent from services, you may make online donations on the church website at oursavior-lcms.org/online-giving. The wooden chest at the back of the sanctuary is for placing your envelop offerings.
Tune In
Issues, Etc. is a ten-hour weekly syndicated radio talk show and podcast. The program features expert guests, expansive topics, while extolling Christ. The program is hosted by Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Jeff Schwarz.. You can listen at your convenience at issuesetc.org, the LPR mobile app and your favorite podcast provider.