Updated March 19th, 2025
March for Life
The 2025 Virginia March for Life will take place on Wednesday, April 2, 2025. Join with other Lutherans and witness to the sanctity of life.
RALLY at the Bell Tower — 101 N 9th St, Richmond, VA 23219 will begin at 11:00 am and the March will immediately follow at 12:00 pm.
Visit marchforlife.org/virginia/ to register for the March or for more information.
Please contact Kim S. via email for more info and/or to participate.
Membership Information
Visitors who regularly attend services are known as adherents. If you are an adherent interested in membership then please speak to Pastor Greg to schedule an interview and to Vera to confirm your paperwork is in order and to confirm Sunday dates that you will not be present for.
Lenten Devotionals
Christian Education has purchased a Lenten Devotion titled, "The Hand of the Lord." The devotion booklets are in the Narthex and are available one per family. Through the devotional we will see the loving hands of our lord and Savior constantly at work to save His people! please contact
CCAP Winchester Needs
CCAP Winchester needs are baby wipes and diapers (sizes 4, 5, and 6), men’s thermals (sizes L and XL), men’s new underwear (sizes M, L, XL, and 2X), men’s new white T-shirts (sizes L and XL), men’s new white socks, men’s gently used jeans (smaller sizes: 30, 32, 34, and 36), women’s gently used jeans (smaller sizes: 2, 4, 6, and 8), bed-size blankets (not throws), queen and king sheet sets, and bath towels. Your donations may be placed in the CCAP box in the narthex.
Donations for Easter dinner food boxes for CCAP-Winchester clients are requested. A list of the items needed is provided on the large table in the Narthex. Please place your donations in the designated boxes beneath that table by Sunday, March 23rd.
The OSLC CCAP POC is Nancy B.
Lenten/Easter Worship Schedule 2025
March 5 – Ash Wednesday – 7:00 pm
•March 9 – Divine Service – 10:00 am
March 12 – Lent 1 – 7:00 pm
•March 16 – Divine Service – 10:00 am
March 19 – Lent 2 – 7:00 pm
•March 23 – Divine Service – 10:00 am
March 26 Lent 3 – 7:00 pm
•March 30 – Divine Service – 10:00 am
April 2 Lent 4 – 7:00 pm
•April 6 – Divine Service – 10:00 am
April 9 – Lent 5 – 7:00 pm
•April 13 – Divine Service – 10:00 am
April 17 – Maundy Thursday – 7:00 pm
April 18 – Good Friday – 7:00 pm
April 20 – Easter/Resurrection Sunday – Divine Service – 10:00 am
KFUO Radio
KFUO Radio, the broadcast voice of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, shares Christ for you anytime, anywhere on KFUO.org via worship services, Bible and theology studies, practical talk programs, and sacred music. Find programs on demand at kfuo.org and
wherever you get your podcasts! Find us on social: @KFUOradio on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
CHRIST FOR YOU this week on KFUO.org: This week on KFUO AM850 & kfuo.org: We will be concluding our study of Numbers on Sharper Iron (weekdays at 8:00 a.m. CT), and discussing chapters 3-5 of John's Gospel on Thy Strong Word (weekdays at 11:00 a.m. CT). Tune in to Concord Matters this Saturday (10:00 a.m. CT) for the first episode in a short series on the Mass. Find your favorite programs on demand at kfuo.org or in the KFUO Radio app!
Ladies Bible Study
Our Savior Ladies Bible Study meets on Wednesdays at 11am. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend. We have started our year learning from the Apostle Peter, through his growth and ministry as recorded in the Gospels, Acts, and then his writings, 1-2 Peter. If you have any questions, please call or message Karen H.
Please join us following the service for coffee fellowship. If you would like to host a Sunday, please sign up in the Fellowship Hall.
If you are absent from services, you may make online donations on the church website at oursavior-lcms.org/online-giving. The wooden chest at the back of the sanctuary is for placing your envelop offerings.
Tune In
Issues, Etc. is a ten-hour weekly syndicated radio talk show and podcast. The program features expert guests, expansive topics, while extolling Christ. The program is hosted by Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Jeff Schwarz.. You can listen at your convenience at issuesetc.org, the LPR mobile app and your favorite podcast provider.
Sunday School Information
Classes resumed January 12th and take place every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. ET.
Miss a Sunday?
You can hear God’s Word delivered by Pastor Cumbee on our website at oursavior-lcms.org/2024-audio-sermons OR listen to Radio Station WINC-AM 1400 Sundays at 8:30 a.m.. (Note: Messages are from the previous week).