...entitled ‘Silent Witnesses’ have been made available online and as posts, emails and audio files/podcasts through Lutheran Hour Ministries. To receive the devotions, visit lhm.org/lent/default.asp
Lenten Devotions
SED/LCMS Reflections on the Readings
And he kissed all his brothers and wept upon them. Genesis 45:15
Joseph forgave his “enemy” brothers, coming to see the hand of God in their terrible actions to put him in a position to save them.
When Jesus tells us to “love our enemies” and “bless those who curse us,” first and foremost He is revealing His own attitude and actions toward us. While we were still enemies, he took our worst action, the crucifixion, and used it for our greatest good.
March 5 – Ash Wednesday – 7:00 pm•March 9 – Divine Service – 10:00 am
March 12 – Lent 1 – 7:00 pm
•March 16 – Divine Service – 10:00 am
March 19 – Lent 2 – 7:00 pm
•March 23 – Divine Service – 10:00 am
March 26 Lent 3 – 7:00 pm
•March 30 – Divine Service – 10:00 am
April 2 Lent 4 – 7:00 pm
•April 6 – Divine Service – 10:00 am
April 9 – Lent 5 – 7:00 pm
•April 13 – Divine Service – 10:00 am
April 17 – Maundy Thursday – 7:00 pm
April 18 – Good Friday – 7:00 pm
April 20 – Easter/Resurrection Sunday – Divine Service – 10:00 am
About Lenten Devotions
Did you ever wish that you could have been there at Jesus’ passion? Imagine what it would be like: to hear the crowds shout “Hosanna!” as Jesus rode into Jerusalem, to smell and taste the feast at the Passover, to see Jesus carrying His cross to Golgotha, to touch the nail-wounds in Jesus’ hands when He rose from the dead.
We cannot do that, but the men and women who were eyewitnesses of these events have left their testimony in the pages of the Gospels. John tells us, “These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31). But there were silent witnesses, too—objects, animals and places that played a part during key moments of Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection. We find them in the pages of the Gospels as well. Though they cannot speak, they can show us something of His love and mercy toward us.
Available to read online or as a podcast beginning February 14, 2018, Silent Witnesses, Lenten devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries, can also be received as an e-mail subscription throughout the Lenten season. The audio version will be available on the daily devotion page beginning February 14, 2018. To print or subscribe to the devotional, visit theLutheran Hour Ministries website.