Messages from Pastor Cumbee

 April 27, 2022

Several of us discussed on Sunday how a person’s chronological age and life experience has no correlation with their spiritual maturity. This journal entry by Elisia Blass was discovered by her parents after she died. It is a perfect illustration of a chronological babe with a mature faith who rejected worldliness and gained eternal life (James 4:4). What a fine Christian daughter!

Pastor Greg

Message from Pastor Cumbee on OSLC Membership

January 7, 2021

Dear OSLC Family

We are planning to receive new families in the upcoming weeks. In accord with Synod and District’s mandates of honest membership reporting, the Elder Board will soon be conducting the annual task of reviewing membership status. The criteria used will be your membership vows, OSLC Constitutional requirements, and policies established by the congregation. The vows all members swear before God and the congregation include, in part:

  1. Do you intend to hear the Word of God and receive the Lord’s Supper faithfully?

  2. Will you support the work our gracious Lord has given this congregation with your prayer and gifts God has given you?

  3. Do you intend to continue steadfast in this confession and Church and to suffer all, even death, rather than fall away from it?

Considering this, there are four membership categories in the OSLC Constitution:

  1. Active Status
    Our COVID and surgery homebound members who support the church, all military members,
    and college students will remain listed as active members. Nothing will change.

  2. Transfer Status
    If you have moved from the area or are worshipping regularly at another church, please let us know so we can wish you God’s blessing, issue you a letter of good standing, and update our

  3. Inactive Status
    Members who are not homebound but have been absent from services and/or not supported the church for an extended period (usually 6 months) will be placed on inactive status.

  4. Terminated
    Members who have not attended and/or not supported the church for one year will be
    considered to have reneged on their vows, abandoned the congregation, and will have their
    membership ended.

It is important that anyone who fits the inactive or terminated criteria but who desires to return and remain active at OSLC contact us within the next week. We are more than willing to discuss any extenuating circumstances or change of heart. Feel free to contact me with any questions and may God richly bless your New Year!

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Greg